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Prepare your iOS mobile app for apple vision pro

Apple has announced its long-awaited Vision Pro headset will go on sale on 2 February in the United States.

How to prepare your already build iOS mobile app with Apple visionOS ?

Lets get some deep knowledge about it.

Apple Vision Pro
will have a brand-new App Store, where people can discover and download all the incredible apps for visionOS. Whether you’ve created a new visionOS app or are making your existing iPad or iPhone app available on Apple Vision Pro, here’s everything you need to know to prepare your app for the App Store.

As per their documentation most of most iPadOS and iOS mobile apps can run unmodified on Apple Vision well Your compatible iPad and iPhone apps will be published automatically on the App Store for Apple Vision Pro, using the metadata you've already provided.

You can take the advanate of visionOS sdk from xcode 15.2.  Here is the detailed information which they have provieded.

Lets jump into Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality app development.